Goat Milk for City Folk

One food memory I sorely miss is the carabao milk from Selecta. It was honest-to-goodness milk with a fresh taste so different from what we find in today's commercial cow's milk. Today, the milk can only be had by those fortunate enough to live near a carabao farm.

So when I saw a bottle of  Iloilo Living's Pure Goat's Milk nestled among the more familiar brands in a local supermarket's dairy section, I just had to try it.

The first thing I noticed that like the carabao milk of fond memory, globs of cream had risen to the top of the goat's milk. You have to shake this sucker thoroughly before drinking.

As for the taste, I can describe it as chalky with a flavor that reminded me of buko juice(!). There was the characteristic tangy bite that you don't get in commercial moo juice.The odor was fresh and like that carabao milk.

The label claims that milk from goats 'rarely cause lactose intolerance and matches up to the human body better than cow's milk'. The goats are fed only natural forage and are not given growth hormones. The milk uses no preservatives which would explain the label showing the expiration date to be only two days after I bought it.

At P45 per bottle (see picture for size), it's definitely worth getting again.

Iloilo Living Farms is based in Binangkilan, Santa Barbara, Iloilo.
